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LISA DiFRANZA - Educator


Guest Artist, Friends School of Portland.                                                                                       2024

Guest Artist/Instructor, New College of Florida                                                                             2023

Workshop Leader, Art Ovation Hotel arts progrm, staff and community workshops                     2017 – 2020

Founder, Director, The Living News Project                                                                                    2010 – 2017

Senior Lecturer, First Year Seminar program, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL                   2012 – 2015

Lecturer, First Year Seminar program, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL                              2007 – 2012 

Adjunct Instructor, Meadville Lombard Theological School, Chicago, IL                                         2014 – 2015

Visiting Artist, International Writing Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA                            2003 – 2009

Adjunct Instructor, Department of English, University of New England, Portland, ME                   2004 – 2007 

Adjunct Instructor, Bangor Theological Seminary, Portland, ME                                                     2004 – 2005

Adjunct Instructor, Arts and Theology, Andover Newton Theological School, MA                         2001 – 2005



Cultural Curator, Art Ovation Hotel, Sarasota, FL                                                                           2017 – 2020

Assistant Principal for Arts Education, Manatee School for Arts, Palmetto FL                                2015 – 2017

Founder/ Director, The Living News Theater Project, Chicago, IL                                                     2010 – 2017

Assistant Director, First Year Seminar, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago IL                                2014 – 2015

Interim Director, The Children’s Theater of Maine, Portland, ME                                                    2007

Interim Director, The Center for Cultural Exchange, Portland, ME                                                  2006

Consultant/Symposium Producer, Maine College of Art, Portland ME                                            2001– 2002

Literary and Education Director, Portland Stage Company, Portland, ME                                      1999 – 2002

Artistic and Executive Director, The Children’s Theater of Maine, Portland, ME                             1991– 1998



Halo Arts Grant for Florida Visual Art                                                                                              2021

Art Center Sarasota Award                                                                                                              2021         

Faculty Development Grant, Columbia College Chicago, for book project                                     2015

3ARTS grant award for The Living News Project: Shelter/Chicago.                                                 2014

Illinois Humanities Council Collaborative City Award for Shelter/Chicago.                                      2014

The Columbia College Dean’s Award for Outstanding Creative Work                                             2014

City of Chicago Grant from Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events.                             2013

Society for Arts in Religious and Theological Studies Luce Fellowship                                            2012

Faculty Development Grant, Columbia College Chicago, essay project                                           2011

Faculty Development Grant, Columba College Chicago, theater collaboration                               2010

Keynote Speaker, New Student Scholarship Gala                                                                            2010

Faculty Award, First Year Experience                                                                                               2010

Faculty Development Grant, Columba College Chicago, for “home” project                                  2008



Columbia College Chicago

Leading member, Teaching Academy think tank for creative curriculum and teaching strategies.

Faculty Senator representing the School of Arts and Sciences

Member, Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee

Member, Faculty Senate Task Force on Interdisciplinarity and Collaboration

Leading Participant, Undergraduate Research Mentorship Initiative

Collaborated with Student Affairs on the formation and teaching of Living Learning Communities

Participant, Critical Encounters, annual college-wide themed series of events and exhibitions

Member, Lecturer hiring committees



Sarasota 10x10, selected to speak about the creative process at the Sarasota Art Museum,

Manatee School for the Arts, Faculty Development Seminars

Farm Theater, New York: “Bullpen Session” presentation for theater writers and artists

Written Off?” Panelist, discussion about homelessness, sponsored by Illinois Humanities Council

Society for the Arts in Religious and Theological Studies annual meeting: paper on the creation of The Living NewsProject.

Speaker, Maine Association of Nonprofits, Community Catalyst Award Gala

Emcee, First Annual Faculty & Staff Convocation, Columbia College Chicago

Keynote Speaker, New Student Scholarship Gala

Columbia College Chicago: “Evidence of Things Un/Seen” panel on Art, Science & Religion

Andover Newton, Summer Institute on Theology & the Arts: Presenter and Panelist

Society of Arts, Religion & Contemporary Culture, NY: panel, “Languages that Shape the Soul”

Society of Arts, Religion & Contemporary Culture, NY: panel, “The Moving Image”

Boston Theological Institute: “Art and Faith Forum”

Host, Portland Community Access TV program funded by National Endowment for Humanities




Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Centre, MA

      M.A. in Arts and Theology, cum laude, focus on arts and community 

Bates College, Lewiston, ME

     B.A. in Theater, directing emphasis 

     Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Arts 



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This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.


University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.


University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.





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